This integrated book and journal website is the official publishing information system of PT. Sangadji Media Publishing. As a primary platform for knowledge exchange, this website aims to enable authors and researchers to disseminate their findings, whether in the form of books, research articles, or community service contributions, with the goal of enhancing all forms of collaboration and academic success.
PT. Sangadji Media Publishing
PT. Sangadji Media Publishing adalah perusahaan penerbitan buku dan jurnal publikasi yang berdedikasi untuk memajukan literasi dan pengetahuan di Indonesia. Kami berkomitmen untuk menerbitkan karya-karya berkualitas tinggi yang mencakup berbagai genre, termasuk fiksi, non-fiksi, pendidikan, dan referensi. Dengan tim editorial yang berpengalaman dan jaringan distribusi yang luas, PT. Sangadji Media Publishing bertujuan untuk mendukung penulis-penulis berbakat serta menyediakan buku-buku yang relevan dan inspiratif bagi pembaca di seluruh negeri. Kami percaya bahwa melalui penerbitan, kami dapat berkontribusi pada pengembangan budaya baca dan intelektualitas masyarakat.
KOLANO: Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Sciences
KOLANO: Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Sciences is a peer-reviewed academic publication dedicated to disseminating research findings from students, practitioners, and academics. All submitted manuscripts undergo an initial review by the editorial team to ensure compliance with the journal’s general guidelines. Manuscripts that meet these standards proceed to a peer-review process focusing on the substance of the research. The journal is published biannually and accepts submissions in both Indonesian and English. Although KOLANO is a multidisciplinary journal, it exclusively publishes research in the following fields: civil engineering, agribusiness, forestry, marine science, management, accounting, law, public administration, communication studies, education, information systems, informatics engineering, and health sciences.
BARAKTI: Journal of Community Service
BARAKATI: Journal of Community Service adalah terbitan berkala yang dipublikasikan oleh PT. Sangadji Media Publishing dan mencakup kajian pengembangan dan penerapan IPTEKS. Jurnal ini ditujukan untuk mempublikasikan hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat, yang berkaitan dengan konsep, model dan implementasinya sebagai upaya peningkatan partisipasi masyarakat dalam pembangunan. Jurnal Barakati menerbitkan artikel terpilih dibawah lisensi Creative Commons Atribusi-Berbagi Serupa 4.0 Internasional.
PROCURATIO: Jurnal Manajemen & Bisnis
PROCURATIO: Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis is a periodical published by PT. Sangadji Media Publishing with a frequency of 2 (two) times a year, namely in June and December. This journal contains a study of research results on management and business science. The scope of the study in question is:
The field of study of management science, in the form of research on human resource management, marketing management, financial management, and strategic management, as well as all managerial aspects in organizations/companies/government agencies; The field of business studies, in the form of research on business management in company activities, identification of business opportunities, designing business activities, and operating business activities.
Every manuscript received by the editor of PROCURATIO: Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis will go through a process review with a double-blind review system, meaning that neither the author nor the reviewer knows each other. Each article has a DOI number with a prefix:
SCIENTIA: Journal of Multi Disciplinary Science
SCIENTIA: Journal of Multi-disciplinary Science is a scholarly publication that is registered on the ISSN Brin website with the International Standard Serial Number for electronic [2828-609X] and print versions [2828-7665]. This periodic publication aims to disseminate research findings, literature reviews, and/or ideas from various academic disciplines. Despite being categorized as a multidisciplinary journal, it confines the scope of the manuscripts to be published within specific areas of study. These fields of study include: Political Science, Agriculture, Biology, Chemistry, Engineering and Technology, Social Sciences, Health Sciences, as well as sciences and technologies aimed at advancing human civilization towards a better future. This scientific journal is published biannually by PT. Sangadji Media Publishing.
Aurora: Journal of Emerging Business Paradigms
Aurora: Journal of Emerging Business Paradigms is dedicated to exploring and disseminating knowledge on the evolving field of business paradigms. The journal aims to illuminate new perspectives and approaches in the dynamic business world. Guided by its philosophies, Aurora emphasizes the importance of innovation in driving the evolution of business practices, encourages collaborative exploration among diverse stakeholders, empowers individuals and organizations to be agents of positive change, promotes ethical and sustainable practices, and embraces the ever-changing nature of business. By embodying these principles, Aurora strives to be a source of intellectual enlightenment for those navigating the shifting business landscape.