Publication Ethics

PROCURATIO: Journal of Management and Business upholds the principle of fair, impartial, and objective review and is committed to publishing high-quality papers related to the field of management. In addition to rigorousness of content, whether authors follow relevant academic ethics during the submission process is also of considerable concern to the Journal. PROCURATIO: Journal of Management and Business does not accept any behavior that violates academic ethics, including multiple submissions of the same manuscript, forgery, plagiarism, alteration, infringement of third-party intellectual property rights, concealment of published results and works in papers, and other behaviors. We hope that relevant participants of the Journal, including editors, reviewers, and authors, can together follow ethical guidelines to create a sound academic environment. The Journal refers to the ethical guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), and Elsevier B.V. and proposes the following ethics statement:

Authors’ Obligations

  • Originality

When submitting to PROCURATIO: Journal of Management and Business, authors should ensure that the submitted paper is their original work. Authors shall not simultaneously submit all or parts of the same paper to multiple journals or publications and shall not repeatedly submit works during the Journal’s review period.

If a paper contains replicated information from previously published articles or information that is about to be published by other publications, author(s) must explicitly cite and express as such in the paper and, when necessary, provide the editorial room with relevant explanation and information. 

Authors must provide explicit citations when self-citing, even if referenced content is not quoted verbatim or has been paraphrased, the referenced content should still be clearly marked. However, excessive self-citation for the purpose of increasing the number of works cited should be avoided.

Any data used in the paper—for example the main dataset created by the author in his or her research—should be original. Non-original data should be cited in the paper.

Authors shall not resubmit papers that have been rejected by the Journal. The Journal does not encourage this type of self-resubmissions unless (1) there are obvious changes in the paper’s research structure, or (2) empirical data show noticeable refinement in quality and quantity. However, in instances where the paper has been revised substantially by the author(s) and meets the two aforementioned requirements for resubmission, author(s) is/are advised to provide notes and explanations to the editorial room at the time of submission. The subject editor will further examine the paper’s substance to determine acceptance.

  • Accuracy

Authors must bear the ultimate responsibility for submitted papers. Papers must fully present relevant research data and objectively discuss results. Research results presented in the paper should not overlook other data related to the research topic and truthfully state whether results support or reject expected outcomes. In addition, authors should inform readers of research limitations and findings with detailed explanations. Hypotheses, theories, methodologies, analyses, and research design expounded in research must not be omitted. Papers should include important details and referenced literature to enable replication of experiments.

In the event that submitted research is found to contain errors or inaccurate information, author(s) should immediately notify the Journal’s editorial room to take actions to correct content or revoke the paper. If the editorial room learns of the material error through third parties, the author must also provide relevant explanations to the editorial room in addition to the actions above.

  • Plagiarism and Self-Plagiarism

No article should be associated with behavior violating academic ethics such as plagiarism, forgery, alteration, infringement of third-party intellectual property rights, omission of important information, etc.

There are many forms of plagiarism, including appropriation of other’s work as one’s own, replication or restatement of critical parts of other’s works without citation to claim as one’s own research, etc. The author should clearly cite other’s research, even when not quoting verbatim or when paraphrasing. The unethical act of plagiarism is not permitted.

Self-plagiarism is one of the prohibited actions. This type of behavior may take the forms of (1) authors writing about portions of past studies but uses identical or similar phrases and paragraphs in their explanations with no citations; (2) authors frequently researching different aspects of a single argument and writing multiple slightly different research papers for publication on various periodicals. These papers may appear different, but independently submitted papers that do not cite other related literature may overexaggerate the research’s contribution and influence the reviewer, causing editors to misjudge the paper’s innovativeness. This type of behavior is not acceptable.

In the event that the editorial room discovers self-plagiarizing behavior, authors with minor violations must rewrite and resubmit the paper while papers with serious violations will be rejected. The editorial room reserves the right to assess and interpret plagiarism.

  • Conflicts of Interest

Authors should avoid conflicts of interest during research to prevent influencing the judgment of reviewers or editors. Authors should publicly disclose any items of conflicts of interest that may be seen as influencing research results or their interpretation, including financial aid, plan grants, business interests, employment relations, consultant relationships, ownership of research items, remuneration, expert testimony expenses, patent applications/registrations, donation authorizations, etc. Information related to potential future conflicts of interests should be disclosed as early as possible. Any potential conflicts of interest should be disclosed to the editorial room at the time of manuscript submission. Authors should proactively consult the editorial room if there are questions regarding potential conflicts.

Authors are to provide a list of recommended reviewers to the relevant subject editor and avoid includion of any individual with conflicts of interest, including (1) persons employed in the same department, institute, center, or company, (2) persons who have acted as doctorate dissertation advisors or graduate thesis advisors in the past three years, (3) co-authors of papers or research results published in the past two years, (4) persons with whom the author plans to conduct joint research at the time of submission, (5) spouses, former spouses, blood relatives within four generations, or relatives by marriage within three generations. Authors shall not recommend persons who have read the submitted manuscript and should not contact recommended individuals ahead of time. These behaviors may affect the execution of the anonymous review mechanism.

  • Sources of Information

Authors shall be responsible for citing others’ works to the best of their ability and shall accurately cite published works that significantly influenced their research. Information obtained in private by authors, such as conversations, letters, and third-party discussions etc., shall not be used or published without explicit written authorization. Information obtained through reviewing others’ submitted manuscripts, applications, and other channels shall not be used or published without the explicit written consent from the original author(s). 

  • Listing of Authors

All authors should make significant contribution to the research paper and take responsibility and credit for its results. The paper’s copyright shall belong to those who significantly contributed to the study’s conception, design, execution, or discussion, all of whom should be listed as authors. Other individuals or contributors related to the study should be listed in acknowledgements and notes. The corresponding author should ensure that all contributing coauthors are listed as the paper’s authors and that noncontributors are excluded. The corresponding author must ensure that all coauthors have examined the manuscript and agreed to submit the paper before actual submission. If there is a need to add or remove authors during the submission process, all authors must sign a letter of consent and notify the editorial room. Author listings may not be changed after receiving notice of manuscript publication.

  • Anonymous Review

PROCURATIO: Journal of Management and Business employs an anonymous review mechanism in which the identities of authors and reviewers are unknown to each other. Authors shall respect the confidentiality of the review process and refrain from disclosing their identities to their reviewers, and vice versa. Authors shall not disseminate on their own volition their submitted paper in its entirety on websites and other locations where it can be easily found by reviewers.

  • Regarding Test Subjects

Authors are obligated to protect the privacy, identities, welfare, and freedom of test subjects during the research process. All subjects must understand and agree to the study. Subjects’ demand for anonymity or confidentiality shall be respected.

  • Copyright

Authors shall examine their papers for potential instances of copyright law violations (such as legal requirements to obtain rights to use charts and figures from other publishers) and secure necessary authorization prior to manuscript submission. Papers should avoid inappropriate content such as slander and discriminatory language.

  • Timeliness

Authors shall revise manuscripts in a timely fashion. In the event that authors cannot submit revised manuscripts within the prescribed deadline, authors should notify the editorial room and provide explanations to determine whether to withdraw the manuscript or extend the revision deadline. 

  • Publication

PROCURATIO: Journal of Management and Business holds the right to publish the papers. If authors wish to republish papers (such as chapters or sections from books, or translated editions), authors must notify the editorial room and obtain permission ahead of time and clearly list the Journal as the original source of information in the republished work. 


  • Act as Reviewer

Investing time and effort to act as the Journal’s reviewer can bring some benefits to the reviewer’s own accumulated skills in paper submissions. However, at times it is necessary to decline reviews. Reviewers should decline to review a paper if content is found to be outside of their expertise and review opinion cannot be adequately provided.

  • Anonymous Review

PROCURATIO: Journal of Management and Business employs an anonymous review mechanism in which the identities of authors and reviewers are unknown to each other. Reviewers must avoid presenting content that may expose their identities when reviewing manuscripts.

  • Conflicts of Interest

Reviewers must refuse to review any manuscripts that may cause conflicts of interest. If instances of conflict of interest is found during the review process, reviewers shall notify the editorial room and recuse themselves.

  • Fairness and Accuracy

Reviewers shall uphold principles of objectivity, fairness, and professionalism while reviewing manuscripts and avoid demonstrating personal biases in comments. In their review opinions, reviewers should state specific arguments in line with academic judgments in relevant disciplines and provide relevant information to support their recommendations according to key review guidelines listed on the Journal’s review opinion form.

If reviewers find instances of suspected violations of academic ethics or other items (such as manuscript’s similarity to other papers from other journals), reviewers must notify the editorial room as soon as possible.

  • Confidentiality

Reviewers must keep the review process and manuscript information confidential and must not disclose any information or discuss related content in public. Reviewers cannot use information without the authorization of the author in their personal research. 

  • Timeliness

Reviewers should complete reviews within the prescribed deadline. If review opinions fail to be submitted within the time frame, reviewers should notify the editorial room at earliest convenience to determine whether to extend the review period or substitute a new reviewer. 

Editors’ Obligations

  • Independence and Fairness

PROCURATIO: Journal of Management and Business reserves its editorial independence. It makes decision in consideration of reviewers’ opinions but holds the ultimate right and responsibility to accept or reject manuscripts. If manuscript is determined to be clearly not in accordance with the requirements of the Journal, editors will not send the manuscript to reviewers for review and will return the manuscript.

Editors should exercise their functions in a confidential, fair, timely, constructive, and rigorous manner. Editors are responsible for making judgements based on manuscripts’ academic value and should conduct work in the absence of personal biases. 

  • Conflicts of Interest

Editors shall avoid any situation that may cause conflicts of interest, for example:

    • To avoid any potential conflicts of interest, the editor-in-chief and subject editors are to avoid publishing papers on the Journal as much as possible, except in instances where anonymous review is not required. For manuscripts submitted by editors-in-chief and subject editors, editorial responsibilities and powers are assigned to other experts or scholars (such as a member of the Journal’s editorial board).
    • Subject editors who believe there exist competitive, collaborative, or other forms of relationships and conflicts of interests between themselves and the manuscript-submitting author, firm, or organization should recuse themselves from the manuscript’s review and transfer related work to the editor-in-chief or other scholars and experts (such as members of the Journal’s editorial board).
  • Confidentiality

Editors and all colleagues must not disclose information related to submitted papers. All editorial processes shall have total confidentiality. Review is conducted anonymously, and the identities of the authors and reviewers are unknown to each other. Editors cannot use information from unpublished manuscripts in their personal research without permission from the author(s). 

  • Quality of Reviews

The editorial room typically provides at least two review opinions to the author. If review opinions contain inappropriate language, editors reserve the right to delete such content before delivery to the author. Editors shall assess the quality of reviewswhen appropriate to ensure the overall quality of the Journal.

  • Timeliness

Editors shall ensure that manuscript reviews are completed in a timely fashion and respond to authors’ or reviewers’ questions immediately. 

  • Participation in Investigations

In the event that manuscripts or published papers have been reported for, or suspected of, violations of academic ethics, the editorial room must take appropriate countermeasures and submit the case to the publisher’s academic ethics committee for review. If deliberation results find the case to be in violation of academic ethics, the editorial room shall take actions to correct, withdraw, clarify, or other necessary measures.