Peer Review Process

  1. All submitted manuscripts would be reviewed by either the editorial committees or scholars from relevant academic fields.
  2. The chief editor and field editor would distribute the submitted manuscripts to proper reviewers depended on the academic field.
  3. Every submitted manuscript will be reviewed by two scholarly reviewers. The reviewers will provide their comment and advisory opinions and mark one of following paper evaluations as follows:
    • Accepted to publish without revising.
    • Mild revise with reviewers’ comments
    • Major revise with reviewers’ comments
    • Rejected with reviewers’ comments
  4. The chief editor and field editor will decide the final reviewing process based on reviewers’ comments as follows:
    • Mail the manuscript back to the author for revising.
    • Reject.
    • Seek for the third reviewer’s opinion and decide to revise or to reject.
  5. The publication seriously regards to author’s right, therefore the editorial committee mailing reviewers’ comments as well as explain the following reviewing process to author.