Author Guidelines

Types of paper 

    1. Original research papers. Research articles that have not been published previously may be submitted as regular papers/original research papers. The word limit is 8000 words (but not restricted), excluding Tables, Figures, and References.
    2. Review papers. Review papers exist for the expression of opinions and allow authors to submit material that may not be appropriate for original research articles but which contains ideas worthy of publication, which include a letter from the Editor or letter to the Editor
    3. Policy forum. The policy forum format encourages submissions from researchers, practitioners, and policy-makers. Researchers long engaged on a particular issue that has identified emerging trends or critical elements of an issue, practitioners noticing issues overlooked among the research community, or policy-makers that have particular insights into the design, application, and implementation of a policy are encouraged to submit through this format to shape research and policy agendas going forward. Envisioned as a shorter format that focuses on these emerging trends, policy forum submissions should target 1,500 - 3,000 words. Submissions will undergo a peer-review process.
      The suggested outline for submissions should initially focus on a brief introduction about the issue at hand, present the authors' overall reliability or authority on the topic, and present the relevance for contemporary debates on critical issues of environment-society relations going forward in Southeast Asia.
    4. Notes from the field. Research contexts in South-East Asia -- including geographical, linguistic, and cultural dimensions -- can be particularly challenging given the region's breadth and diversity. Notes from the field provide a format for researchers interested in sharing their fieldwork experiences and raising critical questions about data collection complexities. This format aims to exchange different experiences on fieldwork, encourage more rigorous discussions about the researcher's role and various approaches to collecting data, and raise essential discussions about ethical considerations. The suggested format is a 1,500 - 6,000 words reflective narrative in which ethical, methodological, empirical, and other problems and solutions are presented.   
      The suggested outline should begin by providing a brief introduction about the research, followed by a description of the research method(s), and focus on the fieldwork issue raised. 
    5. Methodological engagement. The boundaries between the different scientific disciplines have faded over the years. With the arrival of new technologies, there has been increasing innovation in approaching research in new ways for both communications and research applications. As a format, methodological engagement encourages submissions that provide insight and direction about creative ways of tackling complex research problems. In this format, we envision the cross-pollination of disciplines from social, political, ecological, spatial, economic, and others to trigger new debates and generate research ideas across a fraught research field with complexity. The format is open to creative interpretation, but we suggest guidelines of between 1,500 - 3,000 words. 
      The suggested outline should begin with a brief introduction about the research topic, the interwoven research traditions, methodological challenges, and the potential delivery of research outcomes.
    6. Special Section: Section that invites original research papers and article reviews for specific themes. A special section enables us to publish papers focusing on specific themes, often related to a "hot topic." 
      The Reports section consists of brief factual summaries of research and reports from institutions. Reports and Review Papers should comprise 500-5000 words.
    7. Book Reviews. Book reviews should comprise 800-2000 words on new books, software, and videos relevant to the scope of Management and Business (template). 
    8. Conference Reports. Reports on significant conferences of particular interest to Management and Business, approximately 1000-2000 words.
    9. Forthcoming meetings. Notices of forthcoming meetings for listing in the Calendar section are welcomed. Entries must be received at least three months before publication.

Guideline for Submission

1. All academic papers related to management topics that has not been published in other academic journals are eligible to be published in the PROCURATIO: Journal of Management and Business. Manuscripts that have been submitted to other journals and are currently under review and published papers should not be submitted to the Journal.
2. All listed authors of the submitted manuscript agree that after publishing the submitted manuscript on the PROCURATIO: Journal of Management and Business, authors’ economic rights are transferred to the PT. Sangadji Media Publishing. Authors retain moral rights and the rights to collectively publish or use the work for teaching and other personal, non-profit uses. 
3. All listed authors of the Journal’s published works must agree that after papers have been published on the PROCURATIO: Journal of Management and Business, their economic rights are authorized to the PT. Sangadji Media Publishing and its partners and collaborating organizations for digitalization, replication, and other value-added processes and to be stored in databases accessible through terminals, the internet, wireless networks, and other means of public transmission to provide users with searching, browsing, downloading, transmitting, printing, and other services and products.
4. The Journal accepts submissions in Indonesia and English. Content must include a Indonesia abstract of 250 characters or less and an English abstract of 200 words or less (abstracts must explain the issue studied and its importance, methodology, results, etc.) and a maximum of five key words. Indonesia (English) manuscripts must be typed from left to right with 10-point fonts and minimum 17-point spacing. The first word of table and figure titles must be capitalized. Table titles are placed above the table; figure titles are placed below the figure. English words found in Indonesia texts, including English terminology in parentheses, are typed in lowercase with the exception of proper nouns. Please refer to the Journal’s format guide for details.
5. Submissions should be written in the following order: Indonesia and English titles, Indonesia and English abstracts, Indonesia and English key words, main body, reference, and appendixes.
6. Submitted Indonesia (English) papers in principle should not exceed 25 pages (including title, Indonesia and English abstracts, key words, tables, figures, works cited, appendixes, etc.). 
7. Please have English papers or content (such as abstracts or main body) proofread and embellished by professionals to facilitate reading by reviewers and readers.
8. The author is responsible for proofreading of the paper after typesetting and returning the proofread manuscript to the editorial room within one week from the date of receipt. The Journal reserves the right to modify the layout to maintain editorial standards. 
9 Works cited must be listed based on actual references in the text. The References should include only the most relevant papers. Please list Indonesian works first, followed by works in English. Indonesia works are listed according to the number of strokes in the authors’ names while English works are listed in alphabetical order.

References should appear in the manuscript as: “Weng (1992) reported that…” or” This issue has been raised before (Coffey & Atkinson, 1992)”. At the end of the manuscript, the complete references should be listed as:

For Books

Boyer, E. L. 1990. Scholarship reconsidered: Priorities of the professorate. Princeton, NJ:Carnegie Foundation.

For Chapters in books, including annuals

DeNisi, A. S., Hitt, M. A., & Jackson, S. E. 2003. The knowledge-based approach to sustainable competitive advantage. In S. E. Jackson, M. A. Hitt, & A. S. DeNisi (Eds.), Managingknowledge for sustained competitive advantage: 3–33. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

For Periodicals

Schellekens, G. A. C., Verlegh, P. W. J., & Smidts, A. 2010. Language abstraction in word of mouth. Journal of Consumer Research, 37(2): 207-223.

Note:thejournal titles should not be abbreviated.

10. Authors of Indonesia submissions must translate and romanize Indonesia works cited according to the Journal’s specified format after receiving the “letter of conditional acceptance” and submit a 1200- to 1500-word English summary. English content (including English abstract and English summary) has to be revised by professionals and a certificate of revision has to be submitted. If authors fail to provide such certificates, the editorial room will identify the quality of English content. A formal letter of acceptance will be issued after confirmation.
11. Authors of English submissions must have English content revised by professionals after receiving the “letter of conditional acceptance” and a certificate of revision has to be submitted. A letter of acceptance will be issued after confirmation. If authors fail to provide such certificates, the editorial room will identify the quality of English content and will issue a formal letter of acceptance after confirmation.

Starting from Nov. 1st, 2025, each manuscript submission is charged submission fees of US$10 and another publishing fee of US$20 after acceptance for publishing. Contributors are requested to first remit or transfer submission fees to the Suwandi S. Sangadji Bank Rakyat Indonesia (bank code: 002) account (028001014424501) and send proof of payment via email Thank you for your support.

13. The Journal has fully adopted online submissions. Please gather and upload all of the following material to the Journal’s “Submission Section”:
a. Author information form
b. Anonymous manuscript
c. List of recommended reviewers (4-6 people)
d. Submission fee receipt